Neutralization Reaction Calculator

This Neutralization Reaction calculator helps to analyze the neutralization of acid or base in a reaction it is also used to find the normality of the solution.

It is known as a chemical reaction in this reaction acids or bases interact with each other. And the result is returned in the form of salt.


Formula of Neutralization Reaction Calculator

If you want to determine the neutralization reaction, you can use our calculator, or to find it manually, you can use the formula listed below:

Normality = Weight / (Volume * Equivalent Weight)


Normality gives a value that measures the concentration of acid or base in a dissolved liquid.

The weight or mass of the solute of acid or base is expressed in grams(g).

Volume is measured in liters(L) in which substance is dissolved.

Equivalent weight is equal to the molecular weight which is expressed in grams.


To extract ether, you can use our Ether Extract Calculator.


If we have a solution in which the weight of the acid or base is 38 g, the volume of the acid or base is 87 liter, and the equivalent weight is 45 g then find the normality.

Given data

weight of solute = 38 g
volume of solvent = 87 liter
equivalent weight = 45 g

To Find

normality = ?


To find the normality, you can use the formula listed below:

Normality = Weight / (Volume * Equivalent Weight)

Putting values in the formula:

Normality = 38 / (87 * 45)
Normality = 0.0097 g

How to use the Neutralization Reaction Calculator?

The steps to use the neutralization reaction calculator are as follows:

Step 1: Enter the value of the weight of the acid or base in the first required input.

Step 2: Enter the value of the volume of acid or base in the second required input.

Step 3: Enter the value of equivalent weight in the third required input.

Step 4: The calculator will automatically display an answer on the screen.

Calculator use

This Neutralization Reaction Calculator is used to analyze the neutralization of acid or base in a solution with the help of the above-given formula and example.