Impact Force calculator

If you want to calculate the force between two objects when are collapsing with each other, you can use our impact force calculator.

In physics, the force generated when two objects collide with each other is known as impact force. In a short time, this force can impose a tremendous impact on the objects. The object's collision takes place when an individual object collapses with another object.


Formula of Impact Force Calculator

To instantly find out the impact force generated by an object, you can jump to our calculator. Or to find it manually you can use the formula listed below:

F = 2 * m * v / t


F = Impact Force

m = Mass of an object

v = Velocity of an objects

t = Time taken by an object to collide with each other


For a more precise and clear understanding of the concept, let us solve an example below:

Suppose two objects a and b, move with the velocity of 20 m/s, whereas the total mass of both objects is 180 kg.

If the time taken by both objects to collide with each other is 60 sec, then find out the impact force generated by the objects.

Given data

Velocity = 20 m/s
Mass = 180kg
Time = 60 sec

To Find

The impact force =?


To find out the impact force of an object, we will use the formula listed below:

F = 2 * m * v / t

Putting values in the formula:

F= 2* (180) * (20) / (60) = 120 N


If you want to calculate force, you can use our Force Calculator.

How to use the Impact Force Calculator?

The steps to use the impact force calculator are as follows:

Step 1: Enter the value of an object's velocity in the first required input.

Step 2: Enter the value of the mass of objects in the second required input.

Step 3: Enter the value of the time taken by objects in the third required input.

Step 4: The calculator will automatically display an answer on the screen.

Calculator use

You can use our impact force calculator in various real-life principles, such as finding how abruptly two cars on a highway collide with each other.