Coordinates Definition

It is a pair of numbers used to show the exact location of any object, point, or body on the coordinate plane. Coordinates normally include two numbers but they can also have a number and an alphabet as the entries of the pair.


You can read about Coordinate Plane here.

In the pair of coordinates, the first number shows the distance of the object along the x-axis (horizontally) and the second number indicates the distance along the y-axis (vertically).


You can read about the X-Axis and Y-Axis here in detail.

How to find the location of the object using coordinates?

It is pretty simple to find or mark the location of the object using coordinates on the graph. Here are the steps that you can follow in this regard.

  • Draw a coordinate plane
  • Mark the numbers along the x-axis and y-axis
  • Locate the point on the x-axis
  • Now, locate the point on the y-axis
  • Draw straight lines from those points
  • The point where both lines intersect will show the exact location of the object

Parts of the Coordinate Plane

A coordinate plane has four main parts called Quadrants made by two major axes. The point of intersection of axes is called Origin. The horizontal lines from that point on both sides show the x-axis (The right side is positive and the left side is negative).


You can read about Origin here.

Similarly, the vertical line from the origin shows the values along the y-axis (Up is positive and down is negative). By understanding them, you can easily draw a point on the plane within a few minutes.

Fun Facts about Coordinates

  • Both coordinates are “0” at the origin.
  • A point on the coordinate plane has a maximum of two coordinates.
  • The position of the coordinates can’t be reversed.
  • Both coordinates are positive in the first quadrant while both are negative in the third quadrant.


Can we have a 0 value along the x-axis?

Yes, it is possible to have 0 in the first place of the coordinate pair. It shows that the point is exactly placed on the vertical line.

Can we have a 0 value along the y-axis?

Yes, we can have 0 as the value of the y-axis. It shows that the point lies just along the horizontal line of the x-axis.

Is there any other axis in the coordinate plane?

A coordinate plane has a maximum of two axes but many other axis can be discussed in space.