Coefficient Definition

Coefficient means the number that is written with a variable or multiplied with a variable. One coefficient can have at least one variable. But it may have multiple variables too. It is a pure mathematical terminology that can represent a variable value.

For example,

You have three terms 3x, 4y, and 7xy. In these terms, 3, 4, and 7 are coefficients while x and y are variables.

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Operations that Involve Coefficient

A coefficient of any variable can take part in all basic Mathematical operations. You need to use them in addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division. In short, you have to get aid from them while using basic operations on variables.

Normally, a coefficient is an integer but it can also be in other forms like decimal, fraction, imaginary number, or another alphabet. In the most general form of equations, we will see coefficients represented by another alphabet.

For example, the standard form of a linear equation is represented as ax + b = 0. In this equation,and “b” are coefficients while is a variable.

Facts about coefficient

  • A coefficient can be a positive or negative number
  • When there is no coefficient with a variable, it means the value of the coefficient is
  • A variable with a coefficient will have no value because it will make the variable also
  • A number without a variable is just an integer, not a coefficient. For example, +3 is an integer but in the expression 3x, is a coefficient.

Can we find the coefficient from an expression?

Yes, it is pretty simple to find a coefficient from any mathematical expression. You only have to find the variable and highlight it along with the power if it has. The remaining part of the expression will be a coefficient.

Is the constant and coefficient same in the expression?

No, the coefficient will always be placed with the variable while a constant will not have a variable.


you can read about Constant on this page in detail.