Fraction Calculator

Solving a fraction can be a hectic task because the methods related to basic operations are different for it. In simple words, the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions are different from these operations on integers. If you are struggling to understand these processes, you should use this multiply negative fractions calculator.

This online maths calculator is suitable for solving problems related to fractions involving any of the basic operations. It will be pretty simple to use this online tool and perform your required tasks. Let us show you here how this calculator works and how you can solve your questions related to fractions.

What is Fraction?

A fraction is a specific way to represent the number of parts of a specific thing with respect to the total number of parts. In simple words, it represents the particular number of parts to the total number of parts of the same object. Mathematically, it can also be said that a fraction represents the division process in a simple format.

While writing a fraction, there involve three main components described below:

  • Numerator: The number that represents the number of parts written in the upper part of the fraction is called Numerator.
  • Denominator: The number that represents the total number of parts written in the bottom part of the fraction is called Denominator.
  • Symbol of Fraction: It is a straight horizontal line that represents the fractional relationship between the numbers. This line is placed between the numerator and denominator.

For example, 3/7 is the fraction in which “3” is the numerator, “7” is the denominator, and “/” is the symbol of a fraction.

How do you add fractions?

Adding fractions is one of the simplest operations when it comes to solving problems related to it. You can do this in the following two ways,

  • Using LCM:: In this method, you have to take the LCM of the denominators of the given fractions and then add them accordingly.
  • By making denominators the same:: You need to make the denominators of both fractions the same by multiplying and dividing any of them with the same number. Once done, you only have to add the numbers given in the numerator.

Through these methods, you can add fractions within a few minutes.

How to subtract fractions?

The subtraction of fractions is much similar to the addition of fractions. You can use both above-mentioned methods to subtract fractions and find the final answer. The only difference is you have to subtract the numerators after making the denominators the same.

How to multiply fractions?

To multiply fractions, you can adopt two operations side by side.

  • First of all, you have to check whether the numbers given on the opposite sides of the symbol of a fraction are divisible. If they are, you have to divide them to simplify the fractions.
  • If the numbers are not divisible, just multiply the numerators of one fraction by the numerator of the second fraction. You have to repeat the process with the denominators of the fractions.

How to divide fractions?

Like addition, subtraction, and multiplication, you can adopt two main methods to divide fractions and merge them to get a single fraction.

  • Firstly, you can simplify the fractions by dividing the numerator by their denominators and then multiplying the final fractions.
  • Secondly, you can multiply the fractions likewise to get one final fraction. Once you have got the resultant fraction, you only need to divide the numerator and denominator with the same common divisor.

How to convert between fractions and decimals?

Conversion of fractions to decimals is another common task you have to complete as a mathematics student. You only have to divide the numerator by the denominator to convert it into decimals. Here is a solved example from which you can understand how you can do this conversion.


Example 1:

Convert 23/2 into decimals.


As we know, “23” is an odd number. So, it is not divisible by “2”. We can convert it into decimals.

By performing the division of this fraction, we got the following answer:

23/2 = 11.5	

Common engineering fraction to decimal conversions

In engineering, it is common to represent the size of components in fractional formats. That’s why, we have shown the sizes in fractional and their respective decimals here.


8th 4th 2nd Decimal
1/8     0.125
2/8 1/4   0.25
5/8     0.625
10/8 2/4 1/2 0.5
12/8 6/4 3/2 1.5
15/8     1.875
20/8 10/4 5/2 2.5
50/8 25/4   6.25
100/8 50/4 25/2 12.5

How to use the fraction calculator?

Calculator’s Bag has designed this multiply negative fraction calculator with a simple interface. You can use it for solving fractional problems involving basic mathematical operations by following these steps.

  • Insert the numerator and denominator for the first fraction in the input box given at the top of the page
  • Choose the mathematical operation by clicking on the box
  • Put the values of the numerator and denominator of the second fraction
  • This calculator will automatically show the final answer in the last box in decimal format.

FAQ | Fraction Calculator

What is a common mistake when using fractions?

The common mistake is dividing one fraction and then multiplying the answer with the numerator of the second fraction. You have to simplify the fractions first and then multiply the final answers or solve them without simplification.

Can a fraction be positive or negative?

Yes, a fraction can either be positive or negative.

How do you fix improper fractions?

We can convert improper fractions to proper fractions by dividing the numerator by the denominator and getting the remainder in the whole part of the fraction.

What are two common uses of fractions in everyday math?

In everyday math, fractions are used to show the proportion of the part of any object to the total part of the object. It is also used to show the size of objects to the total area in the engineering field.

Why is learning fractions a very important part of life?

It simplifies the understanding of the particular proportion of the object to the total part/area of the object.

How do you identify fraction word problems?

The simplest way to understand fraction word problems is by separating all sections of the question step by step while reading it.