Odd Number Definition

In Mathematics, numbers are divided into different sets or categories. One of those categories is Odd Numbers, which represents numbers not divisible by 2. It means you will get a decimal or fraction when dividing such numbers by 2.

For Example,

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, etc.

These numbers can also be defined in another way. Odd Numbers are those numbers that can’t be divided equally into two parts as we can do with Even Numbers. These numbers are also called opposite to each other because of their opposite properties.


You can read about Even Numbers here.

Odd Numbers come on the number line in a proper sequence with one even number between two odd numbers.

Types of Odd Numbers

Like other categories of numbers, it also has two main types. You can understand them easily with the following definition of those categories

  • Consecutive Odd Numbers: Those odd numbers that come in their respective order. For example, 3 and 5 are consecutive odd numbers because of their sequence on the number line.
  • Composite Odd Numbers: Those odd numbers that are not listed among prime numbers. It means that the numbers that are not prime and odd at the same time. For example, 9 is a composite odd number because it is not a prime number.


You can read about Prime Numbers here.

How to Identify Odd Numbers?

The simplest way to check whether the given number is odd or not is by dividing. But let us show you a few tricks to identify whether a number is odd or even.

  • If the given number is not divisible by 2, it shows that the number is odd.
  • If the given number ends with 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, it means that the number is odd
  • If the given number is a prime number (except 2), it means that the number is odd.
  • Division of Integers

These tricks enable you to know quickly whether the number is odd or not without actually dividing that number.

Odd Numbers Less Than 50

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49. 

Fun Facts of Odd Numbers

  • The addition of two odd numbers is always an even number.
  • The subtraction of two odd numbers is always an even number.
  • Multiplication of two odd numbers always gives an odd number.
  • The division of two odd numbers shows an odd number as the resultant.
  • The smallest positive odd number is 1.
  • A prime number will always be an odd number (except 2) but an odd number will not always be a prime number.


What is the smallest odd number?

The smallest odd number is 1.

Can a prime number be an odd number?

Yes, a prime number will always be an odd number (except 2).

Is it possible to divide an odd number by 2?

Yes, you can divide an odd number by 2 but it will never give a whole number as the result. It will either leave a remainder or give you a decimal answer.

What is the opposite of odd numbers?

The opposite term of odd numbers is even numbers. These are the numbers that can be divided by 2 without leaving a remainder.