Cubic Feet to Cubic Yards Calculator

Some cubic units are used to measure the volume of the same type of objects, shapes, and materials . Due to this, it is important to learn how to interconvert those units precisely because you have to do so in various conditions. One of the most common conversions is from cubic feet to cubic yards.

The reason is both units are normally used to measure the size of objects, places, and shapes. That’s why it is common to convert one of these units to the other. If you don’t know the relationship between these units, you can’t accomplish this task. For this purpose, we recommend you use the cubic feet to cubic yards calculator. It is a maths calculator that can quickly perform this calculation without showing any errors. Learn here in detail about this conversion and usage of this calculator.

What are cubic yards?

A cubic yard is a customary unit used particularly in the United States to measure the volume of a cube with a measurement of 1 yard for all sides. It means if a cube has all sides of 1 yard, the volume of that cube will be 1 cubic yard.

This volume-measuring unit is not used widely in other parts of the world. It is a bigger unit than the other one we are going to compare in the following sections. That’s why it is normally used to measure the volume of a garden, park, or something bigger like this. To show volume in this unit, we need to write “yd3” just beside the number showing the measurements.

What are cubic feet?

A cubic foot is another volume measuring unit, smaller than a cubic yard, that is also used in the United States normally. It is also a customary unit used for this measurement instead of based on the SI unit. A cubic foot is defined as the volume of a box or cube with measures of all sides of 1 foot.

This unit is normally used to measure the volume of a small box or cubic shape. To show a measurement in this unit, we write “ft 3” beside the measurements.

How to calculate cubic feet to cubic yards?

To learn how to calculate a measurement given in cubic feet into cubic yards, you need to first understand the relationship between these units.

1 cubic foot = 0.037 cubic yards


1 yard = 27 cubic feet

By using these conversions, you can easily convert the measurements given in one unit to the other. To let you understand the process, we have solved an example here.


Example 1:

Convert 267 cubic feet into cubic yards.


As we know,

1 cubic foot = 0.037 cubic yards	


267 ft3 = 267 x 0.037 yd3
= 9.89 yd3

How to use the cubic feet to cubic yards calculator?

If you are still unable to convert cubic feet to cubic yards, you should use this tool by Calculator’s Bag. You can easily use it because of its simple interface and fast working.

  • EEnter the measurement given in cubic feet.
  • This tool will instantly convert it into cubic yards.

FAQ | Cubic Feet to Cubic Yards

Are 3 cubic feet the same as 1 cubic yard?

No, 3 cubic feet won’t be equal to 1 cubic yard but 1 cubic yard is equal to 27 cubic feet.

How many cubic yards are 3 cubic feet?

0.11 cubic yards are included in 3 cubic feet.

What do you divide cubic feet by to get cubic yards?

We need to divide the measurement given in cubic feet by 27 to convert it into cubic yards.

How much is 1 cubic foot in feet?

A cubic foot is actually equal to 1 foot but in three dimensions. So, 1 cubic foot will also be equal to 1 foot.