Distance Formula Calculator

Calculating the distance between two points, objects, and lines is a common task for a mathematics and physics student. This calculation is part of almost every course from basic to advanced level. No doubt, it is pretty simple to perform this calculation but it can time taking process too.

If you are struggling with the solution to such problems, you should use the distance formula calculator. This handy online tool can find the distance between two points by using the coordinates inserted by you. Using this maths calculator is not a difficult task and you can understand it by reading the following sections.

What is the distance formula?

Understanding the definition of the distance formula demands you to have an idea of what distance is. In simple words, the distance is the 1-dimensional space between two points, objects, or lines. In Mathematics and Physics, distance is the separation between two points and objects.

The distance formula is a specific relationship between two points between which we have to find the distance. Using this formula, we can find how far a point is from the other one. In simple words, the distance formula helps us to find the distance between two objects or points.

What is the distance between two points?

Here is the distance formula for two points separated by the space.

d = √(x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2	

In the above formula, x1 and y1 represent the coordinates of the first point while x2 and y2 represent the coordinates of the second point.

How to find the distance between two points?

You may have understood the method to find the distance between two points by learning the above formula. But for your understanding, we have also solved an example here.

Example 1:

Find the distance between two points if their coordinates are (2, 7) and (5, 11).


As we know,

d = √(x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2	

So, we have to put the values of the above coordinates in this formula.

d = √(5 - 2)2 + (11 - 7)2	

By solving the above equation, we get:

d = √(3)2 + (4)2	
d = 5 units	

How to Use the Decameter to Feet Calculator?

Using this tool by Calculator’s Bag is not a difficult task. You can find the distance between two points or objects using it in the following steps.

  • Write the x coordinate of the first point in the first input box
  • Write the y coordinate of the first point in the second input box
  • Repeat the above steps for the second point coordinate insertion
  • This calculator will automatically show you the distance between the concerned points.

FAQ | Distance Formula

How do you find the distance between two points?

To find the distance between two points, we have to use a specific formula written below:

d = √(x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2	

How do you find the total distance traveled?

To find the total distance traveled by a body, you have to find the coordinates of the initial and final points. Once you have done with it, you can use the distance formula to do so.

What is the best way to calculate distance?

The simplest and best way to calculate the distance is using the distance formula.

Is distance a vector?

No, distance is not a vector quantity but it is a scalar quantity that only needs magnitude to be described fully.

What is the SI unit of distance?

The SI unit of distance is the meter.

Is it light-year time or distance?

A light year is a distance that light travels in one year.