Sum of Squares Calculator

Performing addition is not difficult unless you have to find the addition of squares of the given numbers. It will be difficult because you need to find the squares of the numbers first and then perform the addition of the resultant numbers. Sometimes, students make mistakes because they have to perform two activities simultaneously.

If you also belong to that group of students, you can use the sum of squares calculator. This online maths calculator has been designed for finding squares and then performing the addition of those squares. The entire process will take a few seconds and you will not need to do anything in addition to data insertion. Scroll down to read about this online calculator.

What is the sum of squares in Mathematics?

he sum of squares is the final answer that you will get after squaring the numbers and then the addition of their squares. In simple words, if you have three different numbers, you find their squares and then add them to get the final answer.

This term can also be found using a statistical approach. But it has a completely different scope and uses in this field as well as the answer you will get at the end will not match with an algebraic answer. It relates to standard deviation and is used in problems related to measuring central tendency.

How to find the sum of squares?

As mentioned earlier, this term is used in statistics and mathematics both but for different purposes. So, there are two methods and formulas through which you can find the sum of squares.

Statistical Method

If you are looking to find the sum of squares in the Statistical field, you need to use the following formula.

Sum of Squares = (xi - x)-2 	


  • xi” shows the ith term of the sequence
  • “x” represents the average of all numbers given in the sequence.

Algebraic Sum

To find the sum of squares and have the algebraic answer in the end, we need to find the squares of all given numbers and then add them. For your understanding, we have solved an example here.

Example 1:

Find the sum of squares 3, 4, and 7.


First of all, we have to find the square of these numbers separately.

Sum of 3 = 9	 
Sum of 4 = 16	
Sum of 7 = 49	

Now, we have to add all these squares.

Sum of Squares = 9 + 16 + 49	
= 74   

How to use the sum of squares calculator?

Doesn’t matter whether you need a statistical sum of squares or an algebraic sum of squares, you can use this online tool by Calculator’s Bag. This calculator will perform both calculations simultaneously and show you the final answer within seconds. Follow these steps to find this answer.

  • Write all numbers separated by commas in the input box
  • This calculator will automatically show you the answer to the sum of squares

PS: You can add as many numbers in the input box as you want. This tool is responsive and keeps showing the final answer quickly just after your addition or removal of a number.

FAQ | Sum of Squares Calculator

What is the fastest way to find the sum of squares?

The fastest way to find the sum of squares is using this online calculator by Calculator’s Bag.

Is the sum of squares the same as the variance?

Yes, variance is another name for the sum of squares in Statistics.

What is the sum of squares and standard deviation?

The sum of squares is actually the square of the standard deviation.

How do you find the sum of squares between groups?

First of all, we have to find the average of all groups and then subtract the mean from each data point using the above-mentioned formula. After that, you will get the standard deviation that you have to square for finding the sum of squares of the given data values.

Is there a formula for the sum of two squares?

Yes, we can write the general formula for the sum of two squares of numbers “a” and “b” as follows,

Sum of squares = (a2 + b2)