Abacus Definition

In mathematics, an abacus is a calculating device used in ancient times to perform simple calculations like add, subtract, multiply, etc. Before the invention and adoption of the written Arabic numeral system, this tool is used worldwide by ancients as a counting frame.

This counting frame is made with parallel solid wires with multiple beads insides used in performing calculations. The word Abacus is driven from a Latin word that meant "counting table".

For more prices understanding, the picture of the tool is listed below:



To know about algebra, you can use our Algebra Definition.

To understand how to use the abacus, follow our decimal number system!

  • The very first right column is for ones (1,2,3,...n)

  • The second column, next to the very first right column, is for tens (10,20,30,...n).

  • The third column, next to the very second right column, is for 100s (100,200,300,...n) and so on.